Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tangled By Emma Chase Review

I would like to start off by saying:

Why The Hell Did I Wait So Long?

I've seen this series when it first came out, I added it to my TBR list and was like yes I'm going to read it. Don't know what happened, but I never got around to it and now I'm kicking myself for not jumping on this sooner.

Amazing read. Both the Hero and Heroine (Sidebar: do I really need to call then that? Seems very fairytale like) are a breath of fresh air.

I'm a sucker for stories that are about this overly confident man who meets a feisty woman and she brings him down to his freaking knees!!! Nothing makes me happier then watching a "playboy" become a hopeless romantic and in love.

This book was well written, it was simple in the best way possible and nothing was overly drawn out.

Major, Major Kuddos to Emma Chase for making such an smart, sassy mouth heroine. (Just a note we need more real women in our fiction).

I also loved how it's told from Evan's (Hero's) POV. Emma tells the story like I'm sitting down with Evan while he tells how this intelligent woman made him fall in love. And he's funny about the story telling. I found myself laughing out loud a lot.

Out of 5 stars this Book is 4 stars and a highly recommend read. 

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Upcoming Events

Hey Guys!!! 
Long time no blog! (I know I suck at this. Forgive me!)

Well, just wanted to let you know of the three big Events I have planned for 2016! 

If you guys are in the area and want a signed copy of my books or just want to come say Hi, check out the deets below:

Monday Jan 4th, 2016 at 7PM
I will be doing my first public reading. I will read an excerpt from my second book, Into Pieces at Lady Janes's salon at Madame X (located downtown on West Houston Street). There will be other awesome authors in attendance so come check it out. 

There's a five dollar admittance fee and the proceeds support WIN (women in need).

I will be selling paper back copies of Into Pieces for $10.00 as well so if you haven't picked up a copy yet, or just want the paperback signed now's a perfect opportunity to do it.

Saturday June 11th, 2016
Bright Lights Big City Presents: Boardwalk Empire Book Signing Author Event

This will be my first signing in New Jersey. Tickets are already on sale, make sure you get your tickets early as they will sell out quickly. I will be selling both Shattered and Into Pieces at this event.

Saturday August 6th, 2016 (Also my Birthday weekend!!!!!!)
Indie in NY Book Signing
This is the second signing I'm doing. It is in New York and it's the weekend of my 29th birthday (Aug 4th is the actual day) Tickets are on sale already and there will be a ton of authors in attendance. Being that it's my birthday weekend, I might have a little raffle going on as well. So be sure to grab your tickets and stop by my booth.

I will be selling both Shattered and Into Pieces at this event as well.

Ticket link: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/indies-in-new-york-2016-tickets-16595697177?ref=gh
Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/IndiesInNY and https://www.facebook.com/groups/indiesinny/

Friday, December 4, 2015

Perfectly Imperfect Harper Sloan

I am super excited! This will be my first blog done on a book review. YAY!

Okay so this is the book I just finished reading:


If you fan girl Harper Sloan, you will not like me after this review. I promise. So if you can handle yourself maturely, continue on. If you can't, keep it moving!

Let me start off by saying: I think I'm in a massive book funk and this book kept me there.

Moving on:

I've read pretty much all of Harper's books. I know what to expect usually when heading into her books. She's usually a hit or miss with me. I think her best book to date is Unexpected Fate. She completely out did herself. So when I picked up this book I said maybe she will impress me again.

She didn't!
And here's why:

I have a huge issue with insta love. Sometimes I can get lost and believe that, BAM! Love at first sight happens. Then there are other times: I just eye roll throughout the whole story and think "this is so far fetched, I can't even pretend for it to be plausible."
This book tends to fall into the latter. Insta love was not working for me at all here. Every time Kane spoke my response was, "Yea we don't believe you!"

I went into this story thinking: This was going to be a kick ass story about a woman who has issues with how she sees herself and how she triumphs through her struggles to become this amazing strong person.......That's not what I got.

I got a cheesy Cinderella story that's been done too many times for me. (This is just a personal opinion I think the genre is flooded with Cinderella stories)

The formula:

Girl with major family and past trauma. The gay best friend (this varies amongst stories) and other friend who sees her worth, but sadly the heroine can't. 

Enter the Hero: Hot shot Mr. Movie Star (or Billionaire, all around popular playboy). Who instantly becomes taken with her the very first time he sees her. But nothing comes of it.  Not until later down the line were they so happen to cross paths and he sweeps her off her feet. 

MAGICALLY the heroine is all fixed because NOW she believes her worth. Apparently she thought she wasn't anything specially till hot shot Movie Star said she was. 

Digressing a little: My biggest pet peeve is seeing someone not love themselves until someone else defines their worth to them. You need to love you for you. You loving yourself should come from you, not because someone else is showing you love and attention. Honestly I think here is where/Why this story quickly died out for me. 

Back to the review:

We never really see her struggle enough with her issues. We get the glossed over version in the beginning and then poof she's "fixed." I wanted to see the growth. I wanted to weep with her and watch her rise to "I am woman hear me roar."

I hated that I couldn't connect with the characters and feel for them. I was left bored and annoyed that this wasn't the story I wanted it to be. I ended up skimming the last half of the book.

I'm truly frustrated. I wanted this to be epic. She had a great idea and a great premise. She could have destroyed me emotionally. I wanted this to be a female empowerment and it just fell completely flat.

Great writing and a good beginning just poor execution.

Out of Five Stars: I give Perfectly Imperfect a 3

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Misery Is Something You Should Learn to Let Go Of

Along with anger and sadness.

Now before I start this, I want to say: Yes you are entitled to your emotions and you damn sure entitled to feel however you want to feel.

But I will say this do not hold on to the things that make you angry and sad. Do not hold on to your misery–it's exhausting.

This end of the year has been a little mentally draining to say the least and I allowed myself to keep dwelling on it. I never gave myself the chance to acknowledge it, deal with it and let it go.

I can never understand how individuals harbor on all those negative feelings. How are you not tired all the time? Why do you want to be tired all the time? Why don't you want to see the positives that you no doubt have?

Let me tell you when I let go of all the stress and negativity that was weighing me down, the weight that was lifted off my shoulders was such a relief. It felt good to just breath again. But it truly made me question why do people want to be miserable? Isn't easier just to focus on the positive and be happy?

Probably not right? If it was we wouldn't have so many angry people running around lol.

But on a serious note:

Holding on to all your angry and sadness and misery longer than necessary will only put you in a grave earlier and make everything else in your life suck. Learn to let go of the things that make you miserable. Focus on those things that make you happy (unless it's killing people.....that's frowned upon).

There's just too much going on in the world not to be grateful and to not focus on the positive things going on in life.

You should learn to be happy with life. Not only will you feel better, but positive energy attracts positive energy. You get what you give.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Your Significant Other Doesn't Just Date You.

They date your family too!

I say Meh!

I've been with my boyfriend for about, it's going on three years. We have a pretty dope relationship and I love how while we're committed to each other, we are completely independent as well.

Just an FYI this post is by no means bashing anything but strictly my opinion on the matter.

Moving on:

I get asked a lot why I don't bring him around places and do everything with him and being that it's the holiday time why we aren't spending it together? Or why he hasn't meet my mom yet.

Little back story on me: I never really had boyfriends. I dated causally and there was a semi serious non title thing for a while. But as far as boyfriends went? I preferred to be single. That was just where I was in life. I enjoyed my own company way too much to have someone else interfere with it. (and when I first got with him, lol let me tell you the adjustment period that there was. Lmao)

So first question: Why I don't bring him places and do everything with him? Simple. I don't need to and somethings I prefer to do by myself. I'm also not one of those people that make other people do stuff they don't want to do. If you're going to be around I genuinely want you there. I don't want you to be there because you feel obligated because we're fucking or in a relationship.

Example: There was a wedding I attended. This person was a really good friend of mine and I wanted my boyfriend there. When I asked, he said yes because he saw how important this person was to me. There was another wedding I attended. I didn't bother to ask him to come because I didn't want to drag him along with me. I was perfectly content to enjoy my time with friends I haven't seen in forever without him.

Second question: Holiday time why aren't we spending it together? Again simple answer. He has his own family that he should be spending time with. My time with my mom and my sister and my friends are precious. Now don't get me wrong I'm not completely selfish with my time with them. We can all hang out. LOL. But there's certain days and certain things that should belong to the person I'm hanging out with. We live in a society where everything is fast paced and instant social media friendly (I'm guilty of the social media trend as well). LOL but when I'm out with my girls or my boys or my family that's what I want it to be about.

Third question: Why hans't he met my mom? Honestly? LOL my mom don't like anybody lmao. She'll kill you with kindness and make you feel two feet tall without even trying. Lmao trust I'm doing him a favor. But still, he's not dating my mom he's dating me. Besides why bring around a person who hasn't put in the time yet in the relationship? I don't believe in introducing the "partner" to the parents (and my little sis in my case) till I know for sure we hitting the long haul. I'm not gonna bring someone temporary around something that's a permanent.

So the whole point? My boyfriend will never be my whole world. That's not who I am. They are however, a huge part of my world and that's how I think it should be. I am a whole person coming into a relationship with another whole person. We're going to make each other better but it's not going to be on some where I begin he ends type stuff.

It's bam this is Nicole, and this is **insert boyfriends Name** and they're a couple. lol.

Anyway that's my PSA. BUHBYE


Overkill? Yes that was a tad overkill. I apologize. (Not really).

Honestly though why are you shopping on a holiday that was meant for family time?

Thanksgiving in America was a time when families came together to be thankful for the things (not materialistic things) they had.

Do you know there's families out there that are burying their loved ones while you shop on a day that they wished they could spend with them?

Do you know there are cops, firefighters, Docs, and military personal that won't make it home to crave their turkey (or whatever you eat lol) with their loved ones?

Do you know there is someone praying their loved one comes home safe and sound?

And yet here you are lucky enough to get the day off and you want to waste it in a store surrounded by crazy people. You also think it's okay to take other people away from their families just so you can get the latest gadget that will more then likely not work right in six months or break.

I would love to see all those stores that are open on Thanksgiving not have any employees show up. I'd support that boycott. I think the corporate savages would get the point.

We're going to loose these holidays one holiday at time and when they're all gone you're all going to cry about it. I'll just point and laugh at you all because you did it to yourselves.

Honestly are the materialistic things really worth it? You can't take any of that shit with you to the grave.

To the retail workers who are stuck working on Thanksgiving– I'm sorry for the idiots they allow in this world.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Is the most dangerous thing I know. 

We live with this imagination and hope that there will always be a next time and a second chance. 

In reality it's the one thing we can never get back once it's gone. That moment when you're siping your morning coffee in solitude or wth a screaming kid attached to your hip; you may think that moment comes again and again, but it never really does. 

You may say to yourself tomorrow I'll start my "diet" and workout and be healthy. But what if tomorrow never comes? And even if it does what happens if tomorrow becomes too late? 

I just recently lost a dear friend of mine to cancer. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. The first time it was a childhood friend and while I never knew the man he grew up to be I did mourn the loss of the kid he use to be and it was a slap in the face about my own invincibility. 
This time around it was harder to watch this woman this amazing person succumb to this life altering disease. Cancer never just effects the person,  it always hits those around the individual suffering. 

It was heart wrenching to watch this person who was so full of life; someone who grabbed the bull by the horns so to speak and took life head on; to wither away to a shell of who she use to be. She was fearless and graceful and everything I can only hope to be. 

 I think that's the hardest part about cancer for the person on the outside, its watching someone you know become a stranger. (Now don't get me wrong that person is still in there but the disease has found a way to take them away from you one day at a time).

The worst part for me? Is the anger I feel. To see how,  so many people can be so careless and callous with life. (This comes on the heels of the terrorist attacks in Paris. My heart breaks for them. I know what they're feeling I went through it on 9/11) 

How can people justify taking a life? How can people justify being block n***gas never amounting to anything? Why are people okay with being lazy and doing nothing with their life? 

What happened to the dreamers and the believers and the kids who wanted to change the world? What happened to the people who knew life was precious and never wasted a second exploring it and getting lost in it? 

My biggest regret was not getting enough time with her crazy self. But I'm so grateful for the short time I did get to know her. She truly was an amazing spirit and I am glad her suffering is over. 

When are we as humans going to stop wasting time? 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

People who hate "trend followers"

I haven't blogged in forever. Please forgive me! 
NanoWrimo has begun (National Writing Month, I am an author and I must write!)
Anywhoo moving on to the topic at hand.....

People Who Hate Trend followers:

Okay so here's we go: We as human beings and society go through these cycles of trends all the time. Some trends are brand new (not likely) and most get recycled (majority of the time, especially in fashion).

  • We always have those people who jump on the bandwagon and get all stary-eyed about whatever the trend is.
  • We always have those people who are too "independent" and "their own person" to dare acknowledge said trend. (why are there quotations marks around those words you ask? Simple: if you try too hard it's not genuine. Just a little #FF for the day)
And there are these people:

"OMG! Ugh! I can not believe people are following this trend. You guys be our own person."

This is what I hate!  Why are you giving other people shit for liking something? Who cares that it's a trend? Ever think, Um maybe they like it because well I don't know they just do?

I use to get a lot of shit for this when I was growing up. Soon as I see something that happened to be "popular" at the time and I liked it, it was always followed by: "OMG You're such a follower."

Um, no, no sweetie, I just like it. Like damn can a chick live?

This is just a PSA not everyone is a trend hopper (I like this phrase)! Sometimes a person can like Chipotle because the shit is good! Not because it's the place to eat. (This is just an example though Chipotle be poppin) 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

When I Close My Eyes

When I close my eyes and think of you, I can taste you. 
Taste the mint from your toothpaste and the bourbon you use to drink. 
I use to get drunk off your lips, your essences.
I close my eyes and it's like you're there with me; on top of me, inside me. 
I can still feel your hands on my body. The warmth around my neck as you hold me still, while you take what I give freely. 
I can still feel you move inside me, and it makes me miss the way your body could bring mine pleasure. 
I mourn the loss of you against my skin and the sounds of ecstasy that filled the room. 
When I close my eyes you're right here with me, right until the very end. 
-Nicole Banks

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Let Me

Let me
Wrap myself around your soul
Let me
Deep inside
And have you lose control
I want to
Crush and break your will
Just so
I can have my way with you
I'll promise to go slow at first
But once I start
You''ll beg for more
I'll show you
Just how good torture can be
And once I'm done
I'll be all you crave

Monday, October 19, 2015

Nano WriMo Who's excited??????

That time of year is upon us once again.....

On Nov 1st all the writers of the world bunker down and keep themselves glued to their laptop/computer/ipad/writing device and try to finish a novel in 30 days.

30 days you say? Impossible!

Actually I've done it. lol I know a few people that have gotten their first draft done during Nanowrimo and campnano. 

I love and hate this time of year. I love it cuz it forces me to write. I hate it because, it forces me to write. But I will say because of nanowrimo I was able to get Into Pieces done and published. So thank you NanoWriMo.

I have a dilemma this year though. I can only log one "novel" into their system and track my results/stats that way. I'm currently in between two books right now. I have no idea which one to pick!!!!!

I have literally like two weeks to figure this out and I'm stressed! I know if I put one down (right now it's the Chase and Kris story; my continuation to my Shattered Heart Series), that story won't come to me. (It's the way things work in my brain). 

I want to participate this year, I just don't think I'm going to "log" my work. I have two dominate stories that are demanding to be told. So I guess it's going to be a fight for which alpha is the strongest lol.
Any writers participating in NanoWriMo? If you have no idea what that is here's the link lol:

Saturday, October 17, 2015

My Love for Writing

I recently picked up a pen pal. (I know this person but they are no longer close to me and I thought it would be cool to be pen pals).

Let me start by saying, when I was younger my fourth grade teacher (I think) had this program were the entire class received pen pals. I had two and honestly? I thought it was the best thing ever. I can't remember if we actually got to meet them, (it was a long time ago) But I do remember that up until Junior High school, I actually kept up with one of the pen pals. It was good to have a sound board on the things going on in my life. 

I also believe there was something amazing and personal about it. Then the whole tech boom happened and we tried to stay pen pals through email and it just fell through.

Back to the present:

So me and this person are writing each other letters and I forgot how much I actually enjoy hand written letters and just writing with a pen in paper in general. (My hands however hate it lol old age and all that fun stuff).

I'm excited again to check the mail box. I hope there's a new letter in there instead of bills. (Hello adulthood) I'm excited to know the person received words I penned specifically for them. It's intimate in the best way possible–it's personal. They get to physically touch the words I wrote with a pen and not something that was typed up. 

I feel with technology you get to hide behind a screen and keystrokes. You short hand everything instead of taking the time out to say exactly what it is you mean.

In short- write more letters, not emails, not text messages. HAND WRITTEN LETTERS. They truly are everything,

I actually have to run now and pen my next letter to my pen pal lol

Thursday, October 15, 2015

$20 doesn't get you poop

Before I start this rant, I would like to point out that when I spend actual cash if I get a five dollar bill back, I put it away and do not spend it again. It's a very effective saving money strategy. (I was able to pay of a credit card and put money down towards an apartment and pay for editing services on my book). I think everyone should try it, you'd be surprised how quickly you'll amass a nice chunk of change.

Moving on

So I went out for my lunch break. (I bring lunch to work so I do not have to spend more money then necessary. Seriously it's like ten plus dollars a day on lunch. That sh*t adds up...p.s is it okay to curse on here? LOL)

I decide hey let me get some coffee, I wanted a mid day treat and I didn't have any coffee this morning. I brought a medium from Dunkin Donuts it totaled around $3.26. Boom handed the lady a 20 and I got back a ten and a five and a dollar and some change. 

You guessed it! Five dollar bill went into my secret pocket to put into my savings and now I'm left with a ten dollar bill and a dollar bill.

Kept on going for my walk and then boom I realized I needed scrunchies (hair ties). I stopped at a girly store and went in got three for $5.50. 

Handed the lady my ten dollar bill and got back change and $4.

So lets recap:

And to save time we shall round up.
Started with a $20
Coffee: -$4
Got back $16.00
took out the five -$5.00
Left with: - $11
Needed Scrunchies- $6.00
Left with: five dollar bills.

Yes I know what you're thinking why am I paying that much for A) Coffee and B) Scrunchies?

Easy: 1) I like to treat myself from time to time and 2) I'm a curly haired girl. We go through scrunchies like water. I needed the scrunchies. 

Anyway moral of the story? $20 in New York gets you nada!

Quotes I love!

Here are some quotes to get you through your Thursday. (Some of these will be from both my books Shattered and Into Pieces).

There is no surer foundation for a beautiful friendship than a mutual taste in literature.
— P.G. Wodehouse

“When Life hands you lemons. Make Orange Juice. Then Sit back and watch them wonder how you did it” 
― Nicole Banks

"We are all Searching for someone whose demons play well ours."

"The spirit endures through the physical, no matter how time has decayed and destroyed the original vision." (This was from a book I read, I just can not for the life of me remember which one).

“...Get lost in it. Life is intoxicating if it's lived right. You should never hold anything back. There's entirely too much to explore and experience and taste and touch; and we're never given enough time to do it all.” 
― Nicole BanksShattered

“Love like life should be maddening to the point of fulfillment. It should make the sun shine brighter, and when they look at you, the earth should never be standing still.” 
― Nicole BanksInto Pieces

“That's what you do when you love someone. You accept their baggage and deal with the shit life throws at you along the way. You just learn to become a team and deal with it together. That's the only way you're going to survive it.” 
― Nicole BanksInto Pieces

“I was bullied a lot because I was a midget in this land of giants I lived in. Sometimes, my only weapon was whatever I could throw. I couldn’t be held responsible. I didn’t choose the short life; the short life chose me.” 
― Nicole BanksInto Pieces

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

My Love For You:

I am a writer and I love writing. Whether it's poem's, quotes (I am the quote queen). Or of course my stories lol (I will venture into fan fiction one day!)

Here's a Poem I wrote for someone special:

My Love for you opened my eyes
And my heart t what it truly means to love
You were my best friend, turned lover, turned my everything.
Your Love has empowered me to continue to be who I am.
Your love has never been discouraging or hurtful
Your love has made me feel light and giddy and childlike
Your love has been my backbone when I thought I was weak.
Your love is a gift I treasure.

Music you need in your life asap

I'm such a music snob. LOL (Yes that's such a thing). So what am I listening to currently? These are the songs I believe you need in your life....like right now! (Some will have links to youtube some wont. If I can't find a good version no link lol sorry).

The weeknd Feat Eminem- The Hills Remix-  http://bit.ly/1LuEoEs
Janet Jackson- Dammmmn baby
The Neighbourhood- The Beach- http://bit.ly/1VcX3pA
The Weeknd- Angel (Honestly anything by this man needs to be on your ipod)
Major Lazer- Powerful- http://bit.ly/1DC3eLN

This is just a few songs. I will update as more songs pop up. If I do all the songs now, I'll be here all night! LOL

New to blogging so forgive me

I was told countless times, "Why aren't you blogging???" I would just shrug and say, I don't know. LOL!

But I've finally caved and here it is. Please forgive the appearance and everything else. It's a work in progress.

Well here's to my first post!