Saturday, November 14, 2015


Is the most dangerous thing I know. 

We live with this imagination and hope that there will always be a next time and a second chance. 

In reality it's the one thing we can never get back once it's gone. That moment when you're siping your morning coffee in solitude or wth a screaming kid attached to your hip; you may think that moment comes again and again, but it never really does. 

You may say to yourself tomorrow I'll start my "diet" and workout and be healthy. But what if tomorrow never comes? And even if it does what happens if tomorrow becomes too late? 

I just recently lost a dear friend of mine to cancer. This isn't the first time this has happened to me. The first time it was a childhood friend and while I never knew the man he grew up to be I did mourn the loss of the kid he use to be and it was a slap in the face about my own invincibility. 
This time around it was harder to watch this woman this amazing person succumb to this life altering disease. Cancer never just effects the person,  it always hits those around the individual suffering. 

It was heart wrenching to watch this person who was so full of life; someone who grabbed the bull by the horns so to speak and took life head on; to wither away to a shell of who she use to be. She was fearless and graceful and everything I can only hope to be. 

 I think that's the hardest part about cancer for the person on the outside, its watching someone you know become a stranger. (Now don't get me wrong that person is still in there but the disease has found a way to take them away from you one day at a time).

The worst part for me? Is the anger I feel. To see how,  so many people can be so careless and callous with life. (This comes on the heels of the terrorist attacks in Paris. My heart breaks for them. I know what they're feeling I went through it on 9/11) 

How can people justify taking a life? How can people justify being block n***gas never amounting to anything? Why are people okay with being lazy and doing nothing with their life? 

What happened to the dreamers and the believers and the kids who wanted to change the world? What happened to the people who knew life was precious and never wasted a second exploring it and getting lost in it? 

My biggest regret was not getting enough time with her crazy self. But I'm so grateful for the short time I did get to know her. She truly was an amazing spirit and I am glad her suffering is over. 

When are we as humans going to stop wasting time? 

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