Saturday, October 17, 2015

My Love for Writing

I recently picked up a pen pal. (I know this person but they are no longer close to me and I thought it would be cool to be pen pals).

Let me start by saying, when I was younger my fourth grade teacher (I think) had this program were the entire class received pen pals. I had two and honestly? I thought it was the best thing ever. I can't remember if we actually got to meet them, (it was a long time ago) But I do remember that up until Junior High school, I actually kept up with one of the pen pals. It was good to have a sound board on the things going on in my life. 

I also believe there was something amazing and personal about it. Then the whole tech boom happened and we tried to stay pen pals through email and it just fell through.

Back to the present:

So me and this person are writing each other letters and I forgot how much I actually enjoy hand written letters and just writing with a pen in paper in general. (My hands however hate it lol old age and all that fun stuff).

I'm excited again to check the mail box. I hope there's a new letter in there instead of bills. (Hello adulthood) I'm excited to know the person received words I penned specifically for them. It's intimate in the best way possible–it's personal. They get to physically touch the words I wrote with a pen and not something that was typed up. 

I feel with technology you get to hide behind a screen and keystrokes. You short hand everything instead of taking the time out to say exactly what it is you mean.

In short- write more letters, not emails, not text messages. HAND WRITTEN LETTERS. They truly are everything,

I actually have to run now and pen my next letter to my pen pal lol

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